The Difficult Airway Course: EMS

EMS/Public Safety
Four people from various industries

The Definitive EMS Airway Course

  • Experience the only EMS airway course that is designed by the authors of the definitive airway textbook, Manual of Emergency Airway Management, 4th edition – Drs. Ron Walls, Michael Murphy and Robert Luten. Participants receive a copy of the Manual (an $84.00 value!).
  • Learn the full range of airway management techniques – including use of extraglottic devices, drug-assisted intubation and cricothyrotomy.
  • Work with expert faculty who know the unique challenges facing EMS providers. All of our faculty members perform airway management regularly in their clinical practices.
  • Use all of the airway devices in small group sessions.
  • Practice decision making and airway techniques in Code Airway Stations.
  • Face the most challenging patient scenarios in a no-risk environment. These include: elevated ICP, pulmonary edema, cardiogenic shock, status asthmaticus, foreign body in the airway, direct airway trauma, multiple trauma with shock, and many more.
  • Meet your continuing education requirements. This course is approved by CECBEMS, ASTNA and AAPA.
  • Didactic and Hands-on Training in Crucial Airway Techniques
  • Prediction of the Difficult Airway
  • Difficult airway evaluation using video laryngoscopes designed for EMS
  • Drug-assisted Intubation (including RSI)
  • Pediatric airway management
  • Laryngeal mask airways for intubation
  • Intubating stylets and advanced laryngoscopy techniques
  • Surgical Cricothyrotomy: open and percutaneous techniques
  • Extraglottic devices (supraglottic and infraglottic)
  • Digital and nasal intubation
  • End-tidal CO2 detection and capnography*
  • CPAP and BiPAP*
  • Ventilator Management*

* Denotes additional lectures that may be presented depending on local protocols and policies, time availability and request