Many advanced life support agencies are now delivering rapid sequence intubation or medication assisted intubation as part of their patient care protocols. Prior to being able to deliver this therapeutic modality paramedics and PHRN's receive numerous hours of both classroom and hands-on training. This procedure is not without risk and when things don’t go as planned it is the delivery of basic life support measures that may be the only thing to keep patients alive. RSI for BLS Providers addresses this void in training for the "other half" of the team. In this series you will learn what RSI or medication assisted intubation is and when it is utilized, the equipment and steps needed for this procedure and what is expected of you during the delivery of care. Emphasis is placed on optimized and essential BLS skills and what red flags to monitor for during the sequence.
This program encompasses a presentation session and hands-on practical skills session, leading up to the execution of both complicated and uncomplicated airway management scenarios. Provide yourself and your personnel with the necessary information and knowledge to deliver high quality patient care today!