Engine Company Operations for Cardiac Arrest

EMS/Public Safety
Four people from various industries

The effective and systematic delivery of care during a cardiac arrest in the prehospital environment can be challenging. These incidents tend to be manpower intensive and at times chaotic. This program, "Engine Company Operations for Cardiac Arrest" specifically addresses these concerns. This course was built out of necessity with a focus on crew resource management and the assignment of equipment and roles and responsibilities of personnel to streamline the delivery of care and limit confusion and redundancies. Emphasis is placed upon the delivery of high quality CPR throughout, optimized delivery of BLS airway management, AED operation, patient management and transfer. This course will address the needs for your personnel and any assisting ancillary agencies to effectively come together and work cohesively as a single team focused on the delivery of optimal patient care. If any units (engine companies, truck companies, rescue companies, etc.) respond to assist with the management of a code, this course is for you.

This is not your typical CPR class!